Nostalgia at a Coffee Shop
Chapter 1

Cozy clouds arise from my warm porcelain cup as my lips taste the sweet creaminess of cocoa. A scone glazed with orange and cinnamon rests elegantly on a small floral plate. I listen to the droplets of the rain play a melody on the clear glass pane as I wait patiently for love.
Rainy Nostalgia
A half-smile as I jot down the cheesy start to a romance novel in my journal. My poetic verbiage can get the best of me at times, flowing endless pages of whimsical wording, especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.
I expel a low sigh as I shove the journal in my bag which hangs on the back of my chair then continue to gaze at the rain as it streaks tears down the cafe glass, almost as if to mimick my inner tourment.
Love, a curious adventure full of mystery and regret.
I sip my splendor as my mind left the reality of the café and into the flow of dancing liquid which initiates a charge of memories.
Wind chimes rhythmically clang, jolting me from a moment of nostalgia. Normally the door to the café held no revelance due to its usual flow of traffic but this particular evening my favorite coffee establishment was sparse.
Amplified wind chimes echoed a knee jerk reaction forcing my eyes towards a man walking through the door. The run off from his navy blue umbrella trailed down like a small stream to the floor as he struggled to close it.
A light grey trench and a trilby to match covered his eyes to the bridge of his nose. He gently removed the moistened hat, placed it on the hook of a nearby coat rack, followed by the soaked trench. He then placed the umbrella in the metal embossed bucket by the door.
Adjusting the deep grey blazer that lay effortlessly across his shoulders he looked around the café for a seat that called. Taking notice of a wooden chair near the window 2 tables from mine, he made his way over while undoing the single button of that beautifully structured suit jacket.
In one motion he removed the jacket and placed it on the back of the chair.
Still engulfed in my porcelain-filled bliss my eyes couldn’t help but stare at his white shirt, crimson tie, and deep grey vest which raised an eye to my love of 3 piece suits. “Damn”, I murmured.
After seating, he took notice of my intrigued stare and matched it with a smile. Without showing the embarrassment of my blunt gawking, I placed my mug down and smiled back, then turned my gaze out the window once more.
I could sense his lingering eyes burning a hole into the side of my left cheek until the barista interrupted to take his order.
He ordered a cappuccino with extra cinnamon and a slice of red velvet cake. How do I know? Because inconspicuous glances is my super power!
Relaxing his back to the chair, he placed his hands in the pockets of his slacks and gazed out the clear glass. Just as I have become lost in the rain and my own thoughts, he joined the nostalgia by staring out into the cloudy wonder as well.
I found my attention back to the rain and the glass separating it’s down pour.
What is it about the rain that draws one in? Maybe the feeling of love emanating from each droplet gives a sense of hopefulness.
Engaged in the depths of our minds, both creating realities only we are aware of. Neither one of us is cognizant of the other's rainy trance but we stay there gazing out the same coffee shop window with a notable wonder in our eyes.
To be continued…